Flu Season Coverage

You may also call (617) 495-8414 or (617) 495-2001 to schedule an appointment.

Where to go:

  • Rite Aid
  • Walgreens Pharmacy

How to get coverage for the flu shot:

  • Visit the pharmacy desk and ask them to bill the vaccine as a prescription

Outside of HUHS, you can only receive a flu shot at a participating retail pharmacy. While CVS pharmacies are included in coverage, CVS locations with Minute Clinics are not. If a vaccine is administered at a CVS Minute Clinic, it will not be covered, and you will be responsible for payment. Therefore, we recommend that a student uses a Rite Aid or Walgreens Pharmacy.

Some pharmacies may charge an administration fee for the vaccine. 

Note: If you waived the Student Health Insurance Plan and need to have a flu shot outside of HUHS, please contact your private insurance plan to confirm your coverage.