Affiliate Cancellation Policy and Application

  • No services were used for the term in which you are requesting to cancel. This includes prescription overrides which allow you or your dependents to fill multiple months of medication early.
  • Requests to cancel the Post-Doc affiliate but keep dependents enrolled will not be accepted. Dependents are only eligible to remain enrolled when the Post-Doc is also enrolled.
  • The cancellation application is received within 5 business days of submitting the enrollment application. Coverage will be canceled retroactively to the plan effective date for the term in which you are enrolled.
  • The cancellation application is received prior to the start date of coverage (8/1 fall term or 2/1 spring term) for the term in which you enrolled. Coverage will be canceled to the plan effective the start date of the future term in which you are enrolled.
  • The cancellation application is received within 45 days of a qualifying life event. Coverage will be canceled retroactively to the day of the event. The life-changing event date is the date that your other health insurance coverage begins or the date the divorce is finalized. This effective date will be one of the determining factors in canceling coverage.
Eligibility to cancel enrollmentOutcome of your cancellation request:
If your application is received and services were used.You will not qualify to cancel the coverage for that term for the person who used services.
If your application is prior to the start of the term you are requesting to cancel or within 5 business days of submitting an enrollment application.The Harvard University Student Health Program will be canceled, and if applicable, a credit will be issued.
If your application is received within 45 days of a qualifying event with proof of enrollment.

The qualifying event date is the date that your other health insurance coverage begins or the date the divorce is finalized. This effective date will be one of the determining factors in canceling coverage. Official document/coverage letter with your name/dependent(s) name and the effective date of your medical policy is required.
The Harvard University Student Health Program will be canceled, and if applicable, a credit will be issued.
If your application is received after the start of a term, beyond the 5 business days of submitting an application, beyond 45 days of a qualifying event, or without appropriate documentation to support a qualifying event.Cancellation requests cannot be processed for the current term; only future term(s) of coverage may be canceled.