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Top Ten Things to Know About HUSHP

Adult routine/ preventive care is covered at HUHS.
All new students are automatically assigned a Primary Care Provider (PCP) at HUHS in August. You can learn who your PCP is by visiting the “Profile” section of the HUHS Patient Portal.

You do not need referrals to access your mental health benefits.
You are covered for outpatient mental health care with no referral requirements.

You are covered nationwide
and abroad.
The Student Health Insurance Plan covers the same benefits throughout the United States and abroad; cost-sharing and visit limits apply for certain services. Note: almost all care abroad is reimbursed at the out-of-network level of benefits.

Most services at HUHS are covered at no cost to you.
The Student Health Fee covers almost all care at HUHS, including services offered via telemedicine, at no cost to you. The Student Health Fee does not cover prescriptions, lab work, or services provided by the on-site OBGYN group.

Some outpatient care is subject to visit limits.
Members are limited to a 12-visits for acupuncture care per plan year and 60 visits for short-term rehabilitation therapy.

You must follow Coordination of Benefits rules if you have more than one health plan.
If you are enrolled in another health plan in addition to the Student Health Insurance Plan, your other health plan will be primary. This means that medical claims must be submitted to your other health plan first.

There is no overall dollar
benefit maximum.
Although the plan has some visit limitations, there are no lifetime or annual dollar limitations.

The plan provides coverage for a full twelve-month period.
- Fall: August 1 – January 31
- Spring: February 1 – July 31

You only pay a deductible when you go out-of-network for your care.
You do not have to pay a deductible for care received with an in-network provider.

The plan does not impose pre-existing conditions or limitations.
Your coverage in this health plan is not limited based on medical conditions that are present on or before your effective date.